What is a reimbursement claim?

In a reimbursement claim, you pay the hospitalisation expenses from your pocket, and the health insurance company later pays that amount to you provided you submit all the necessary documents. You will have to apply for a reimbursement claim only if you choose to get your treatment done at a hospital which is not a part of your health insurance company’s hospital network or if you miss opting for a cashless claim.

While making a reimbursement claim, you need to be careful about the coverage of your treatment and related expenses under your health insurance policy. Your health insurance company can turn down your claim if your policy doesn’t cover them.

How is a reimbursement claim different than a cashless claim?

A reimbursement claim can take longer to process than a cashless claim. For a reimbursement claim, you need to ensure you collect and submit all the documents and bills related to your hospitalisation. On the other hand, in a cashless claim, the empanelled hospital will do the job of sending your documents and bills to the insurance company, and the claim will be settled with them directly.

In a reimbursement claim, you have to wait till you get your money reimbursed from the insurance company, whereas in a cashless claim, the insurance company will pay it straight to the hospital. You will only have to bear the expenses that are excluded from your policy or are over your sum insured.

Since your insurance company does not have a tie-up with the hospital, your reimbursement claim will be thoroughly investigated. This may further delay your claim settlement. Cashless claims instead tend to get settled faster and in a hassle-free manner.

When do I need to inform you about my reimbursement claim?

In case of planned hospitalisation, you can inform us two days before admission, and in case of emergency hospitalisation, you need to inform us within 24 hours of hospitalisation.

What are the steps involved in a reimbursement claim?

Unlike cashless claim, you have to take the initiative when it comes to making a reimbursement claim. Here are the steps involved in a reimbursement claim process under our health insurance.

Step 1: You intimate the claim

You can call our 24x7 toll-free number 1800 2666 or SMS ‘HEALTHCLAIM’ to 575758 (charge – ₹3 per SMS) or email us at ihealthcare@icicilombard.com to inform us about your hospitalisation.

Step 2: You get your papers ready

Once you have made the payment at the hospital, arrange all the documents chronologically. Start from the original bills for doctor’s consultation, X-ray and other medical expenses to your discharge summary, medical reports and hospital bill. With us, you can also include the bills of your medical expenses 30 days before hospitalisation and 60 days after.

Step 3: You fill & submit the claim form

Next, you’ll have to download the claim form from our website. Take a print, fill in the details in section A, C and D. The section B needs to be filled in by your treating doctor or the hospital. After that, sign on the claim form and also get it signed from your treating doctor. Then mail it to us along with the documents listed below. Those marked with an “*” are mandatory, and the rest will depend upon your claim request.

Mailing address: info@neviiminsurance.com​

Step 4: We go through your claim request

Once you successfully submit all the documents, we’ll go through your claim request. Your claim can either be approved or turned down as per your policy coverage. There may also be a case where we ask for more documents from you to process your claim faster. Till then you can track your claim status with your claim number on our website. If your claim is approved, we will transfer the claim amount into your bank account. If your claim is turned down, we’ll convey the reason for declining it.

How can I have a smooth reimbursement claim process?

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