Why you should Buy Professional Indemnity Insurance for Chartered Accountants?

We are one of the leading liability insurers in Indian market. We have
re-insurance arrangement with leading A rated re-insurers (A.M. Best). Our expertise in handling liability claims is one of the best in the industry. Our panel of lawyers give an edge in the market.

What is Professional Indemnity Insurance for Chartered Accountants?

An insurance policy that indemnifies you against your legal liability to pay compensation including defence costs, fees and expenses anywhere in India in accordance with indian laws.

The insurance covers the claims arising out of losses and/or damages due to any breach of professional duty by reason of any negligent act, error or omission committed or alleged while rendering your services as a chartered accountant and during the period of insurance.

Who needs Professional Indemnity Insurance for Chartered Accountants?

This policy is specially build for both CA firms and individuals who provide professional services like chartered accountants, financial accountants, management consultants, lawyers, advocates. solicitors, counsels and want to secure their financial position and professional reputation.

Why do you need Professional Indemnity Insurance for Chartered Accountants?

Professional indemnity insurance is the safety net that protects you if your practice’s risk management strategies fail. If client or third party faces a financial loss because of your professional advice, they may hold you legally responsible and make a claim for the economic loss. A Chartered Accountant can be found liable for breach of contract, negligence, or breach of statute

Professional indemnity insurance will assist with protecting you personally your employees and business against third party coins and allegations.

We offer different types of insurance for businesses, including coverage for property damage, legal liability and employee-related risks.

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